This post is linked to from the GCP: Deep Dive Project
This post covers how to interact with Google's Cloud Firestore, using examples written in Python. The concepts should apply to any language.
Firestore is the newer version of Datastore. You can find the differences here. In this post, the database is configured in Native mode. Other than some extra language support, Native mode's coolest new feature seems to be the ability to listen to a post. From what I can tell, this could replace the need for pub/sub in some scenarios.
Throughout the post I'll use a project named "example". Be sure to replace this with your own project name.
Official Firestore pricing data is here.
Note that Firestore mode is almost twice the price of Datastore mode. Datastore pricing can be found here.
Every day a number of free operations are allowed, which for a small application makes Datastore very affordable. Even after the free tier though, the pricing is pretty good. Firestore and Datastore have the same free tiers.
Max entity size and document size are both 1MB, so you could realistically just use JSON strings in entities instead to save money if you don't need any of Firestore's other features.
Both options use a non-relational/NoSQL database. NoSQL databases in general allow for the direct serialization of a programs objects/dictionaries.
Official Firestore data model docs
Firestore uses a document database organized into documents and collections. This is a change from the older Datastore model of Entities organized by Kinds.
Documents support nested data structures ("Maps"). Think of them like JSON objects, but with more types supported. Documents are limited to 1MB each.
Documents are stored in Collections. Collections are containers for documents, like a filesystem's directories. Documents can also contain their own nested collections, which store other documents. Nesting has a depth limit of 100.
Documents are identified by References. In python, a reference looks like this:
In Datastore, objects are called Entities. The key-value data pairs stored by entities are called properties.
Entities are uniquely identified by keys. Entity Keys consists of the following components:
Before your code can access Datastore/Firestore, access needs to be configured in the Identity Access Management tool.
First, create a Service Account:
I downloaded my key to $HOME/gcp_keys/datastore_admin.json
Build a virtualenv. If you're in a git repo, don't forget to ignore this directory.
python3 -m venv env3
source env3/bin/activate
Write the requirement file
vi requirements.txt
Install the requirements
pip install -r rqeuirements.txt
A fake project name of "example" will be used. Be sure to use a valid one.
Some notes about the Firestore python API:
returns a CollectionReference,
which allows you to operate on the named collection.firestore.client().collection().list_documents
returns a Page Iterator.
Casting a page iterator to a list will trigger a read operation, returning a
list of DocumentReference
a DocumentReferece,
which interacts with the actual Firestore documents. The DocumentReference
object can operate (get/set/create) on the actual Document.firestore.client().collection().document().get()
will return
a DocumentSnapshot
of the document. The document snapshot is how you read data from a document.
Document snapshots are a representation of the document state taken at the
instant of their creation.firestore.client().collection().document().create()
makes a new document.
If the object already existed, a google.api_core.exceptions.AlreadyExists
exception is thrown.from os import environ
from import firestore
# The key file is an exported JSON file from the IAM tool
key_file_path = '{}/gcp_keys/datastore_admin.json'.format(environ['HOME'])
# When running this on a local system, the package from GCP
# expects the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to be set
# to the exported IAM key file's path
environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = key_file_path
# expects the project name as an argument
project = 'example'
# Instantiate the datastore client. This step authenticates to GCP.
# See the Credential Error note below if authentication fails
client = firestore.Client(project)
# Get a reference to the test collection. This returns a
# object
ref_col_test = client.collection('test')
# Get a reference to a document which may or may not exist. This returns a
# object
ref_doc_document1 = ref_col_test.document('document1')
# Perform the actual database query to get the document. get() returns a
# object.
snapshot_document1 = ref_doc_document1.get()
# Note that there is no data
assert document1.to_dict() is None
# You can use document.exists to check if the document already exists.
# Here's an example of doing a safe insert of some sample data:
sample_data = {
'nums': {'num1': 100, 'num2': 200},
'strs': {'animal1': 'dog', 'animal2': 'cat'}}
if snapshot_document1.exists is False:
createe_write_result = ref_doc_document1.create(sample_data)
document1_data = ref_doc_document1.get().to_dict()
# Finally, update the data
sample_data['strs']['animal3'] = 'bird'
set_write_result = ref_doc_document1.set(sample_data)
# List the documents in the collection. The iterator returns a paginated list
# of document references. You can then operate on those references.
doc_list_iterator = ref_col_test.list_documents()
doc_ref_list = list(doc_list_iterator)
sample_document_snapshot = doc_ref_list[0].get()
# Show that the changes were applied to the data. This will return 'bird'
animal3 = sample_document_snapshot.to_dict()['strs']['animal3']
If your local google cloud authentication isn't set up correctly, you'll get an error saying:
google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError: Could not automatically determine credentials. Please set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or explicitly create credentials and re-run the application. For more information, please see
If that happens, review the IAM Service account steps.
If you try and cast a GRPCIterator
to list twice, you get a ValueError
ValueError: ('Iterator has already started', <google.api_core.page_iterator.GRPCIterator object)
The ValueError
is thrown because ._started
is True
in the iterator. It has
already done its thing and won't work again. I didn't see any good way to
restart the iterator without discarding it.
You can see the details in the page iterator source code.
Best course is just to get a new iterator from the reference object.
See in the following example how the ID changes. The doc_list_iterator
var is
being pointed at a new iterator. The old iterator gets gc'd by Python as usual.
>>> id(doc_list_iterator)
>>> doc_list_iterator = ref_col_test.list_documents()
>>> id(doc_list_iterator)
It will work as expected.