One pain point I often have is SSH forwarding the ports for a bunch of web services and IPMI/IDRAC/ILO/Whatever connections through my pivot server to my workstation. Its really tedious, and having a web UI right on the jump server's subnet can be really helpful.
In this guide, I show how I launch Chrome on a remote Ubuntu server without ever installing any graphics tools like Ubuntu Desktop on that server, and without needing VNC/RDP/PCOIP/etc. X11 forwarding lets the XQuarts process on a MacBook render the browser, while it still uses the networking on the Ubuntu server it launched from.
If you're not using a MacBook, this won't apply.
The workstation needs to allow X11 forwarding. Some brilliant update broke it
in my version of Mac OS I had to set the XAuthLocation in ssh_config
vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Host *
SendEnv LANG LC_*
XAuthLocation /usr/X11/bin/xauth
ServerAliveInterval 60
ForwardX11Timeout 596h
My hostname was adc-bmc
and its IP was Alter this as needed.
On your workstation:
vi ~/.ssh/config
Host adc-bmc
ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11 yes
You can use Firefox or whatever instead. Chrome's install will fail due to missing dependencies, but apt can sort it out.
dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
apt-get install -f
dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
This is just for fun and testing. Xeyes is kind of neat.
apt-get install -y x11-apps
XWindows can be passed through SSH. Open a new terminal window and connect to
the server using the -X
flag to enable X forwarding on the client.
The xeyes application is a fun test.
ssh -X [email protected] xeyes
If that works, try Chrome. The extra flags enable compression and use a faster
encryption algorithm. If they cause problems, just use -X
ssh -XC -c [email protected] [email protected] google-chrome
As your not-root user, remove and chmod
some files.
sudo rm ~/.Xauthority-c
sudo rm ~/.Xauthority-l
sudo rm -r ~/.Xauthority
mkdir ~/.Xauthority
chmod 0600 ~/.Xauthority
On your mac, if you connect with ssh -v -X ...
and you get an error line
saying No xauth program
, then you need to edit your SSH config to specify
the xauth path. Mine was /usr/X11/bin/xauth
If you're on Mac, this can happen when you didn't set the XAuthLocation