Kyle Pericak

"It works in my environment."

Mon 09 March 2020

Ubuntu NFS Server Setup

Posted by Kyle Pericak in systems administration   

Install & Configure NFS Server

These steps were tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

# Install the NFS server package
apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

# Make a directory to publish
mkdir /nfs

# Set permissions
chown nobody:nogroup /nfs
chmod 777 /nfs

Configure NFS by writing /etc/exports. In this example I'm allowing access from anyone on the subnet. This is only secure if you trust that entire subnet and any systems which might be routed to it.


Apply the changes

exportfs -a
systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server

NFS client setup

# Install client software
apt-get install nfs-common

# Create mount point
mkdir /nfs

# Mount the NFS share manually
mount /nfs

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