Assumption: To avoid dealing with varying OpenStack policy configuration,
it's assumed that the scoped user has both _member_
and admin
on the scoped
Check out the Breqwatr GitHub Examples for some usable code. I wrote this post while contributing to that project.
Note: Don't confuse this with "OpenStack-Ansible", which is an open-source deployment tool for creating OpenStack clouds themselves. This guide covers how to deploy workloads to an already-deployed cloud.
Install Ansible and the OpenStack packages
apt-get install -y python ptyhon-pip
pip install \
ansible \
I haven't found a good comprehensive list. Some os_
modules can be found
using search here:
OpenStack Ansible Modules.
I'll be showing how to use a few useful ones in this post.
Define a file to hold the authentication data for your cloud. Something like this:
vi environment.yml
is_https_cert_valid: no
auth_url: https://<openstack vip/fqdn>:5000
username: <username>
password: <password>
project_name: <project>
OpenStack associates cloud entities (like VMs, volumes, networks, etc.) inside projects. Users can be granted access as either a member or admin to projects, allowing them to interact with those entities. Projects can also have quotas assigned to them, which will limit the resources any one user can take.
Ansible modules used to manage identity configuration:
Module: os_project_info
# If name: is empty, all projects will be queried
- name: "Get project details"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ project_name_or_id }}"
register: projects
Module: os_project
- name: "Create the 'DemoProject' project"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
state: present
name: DemoProject
description: Ansible-created demo project. Safe to delete.
domain_id: default
enabled: True`yaml
Module: os_quota
# -1 is used to indicate unlimited. RAM is in MB.
- name: "Set a quota on 'DemoProject'"
name: DemoProject
cores: 4
gigabytes: 100
instances: 2
volumes: -1
snapshots: -1
ram: 8192
Module: os_user_info
# If name: is used, only one user is selected. Else, all are.
- name: "Get users details"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ user_name_or_id }}"
register: users
Module: os_user
- name: "Create the user 'DemoUser' in keystone"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
state: present
name: DemoUser
password: Breqwatr2019
update_password: on_create
email: [email protected]
domain: default
default_project: DemoProject
Generally the two roles that matter in an OpenStack cloud, or at least one
deployed using Kolla-Ansible, are _member_
and admin
. Their access levels
are intuitive.
- name: "Add demo user to demo project as _member_"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
user: "{{ demo_user_name }}"
role: "{{ member_role_name }}"
project: "{{ demo_project }}"
Before cloud users can make instances, cloud administrators need to define the possible properties of those instances.
Servers/VMs/instances are launched by OpenStack inside projects. Their RAM, CPU, and boot volume size are defined by a "flavor". The boot volume is created as a copy of a template image.
OpenStack also defines the networking of the instance. It creates virtual ports and binds them to the instance. For external access, some instances use an external VLAN directly on their assigned ports. Another popular approach is to use a private overlay network scoped to one project, such as a VXLAN. Instance ports are given IPs on the VXLAN, then users create a "Floating IP" to enable inbound access. Floating IPs are static NAT rules, which grab an IP from a pool on an upstream VLAN network.
Ansible modules used to define instances and their environment:
OpenStack uses Glance to manage its image registry. Glance is basically an intelligent file-server for volume template images. It has some nice features under the hood to work with various storage providers, allowing features like near-instant zero-cost clones that barely use any data.
Module: os_image_info
# get data about all images
- name: "Get images datas"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
# get data about one image. 'image:' accepts the name (if unique) or ID.
- name: "Get images datas"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
server: "{{ image_name_or_id }}"
Module: os_image
- name: "Upload Cirros image"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: DemoCirros
container_format: bare
disk_format: raw
state: present
filename: "{{ files_directory }}/cirros.raw"
is_public: yes
min_disk: 1
min_ram: 256
Honestly I can't figure this one out. You should be able to set the image
to shared instead of just public or private, but Ansible only has a boolean for
. Just create it scoped to the project you want to access it in if
you want it to be private, I guess.
Module: os_flavor_info
# when name: is empty, all flavors are returned
- name: "Get flavors details"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ flavor_name_or_id }}"
register: flavors
See os_nova_flavor
Flavors defien the size of instances. If it's public, all projects on the cloud can use it. If private, access needs to be explicitly granted.
- name: "Create a private demo flavor"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
name: "{{ demo_flavor }}"
ram: 1024
vcpus: 1
disk: 10
is_public: no
- name: "Get project's ID by its name"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ demo_project }}"
register: project_data
- name: "Grant the project access to the demo flavor"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
target_project_id: "{{ project_data['openstack_projects'][0]['id'] }}"
resource_name: "{{ demo_flavor }}"
resource_type: nova_flavor
Module: os_network_info
- name: "Get network details"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ network_name_or_id }}"
register: networks
Module: os_network
A network administrator will still need to trunk the VLAN to the cloud nodes, but this configuration will cause outbound traffic on the created network to use the assigned VLAN tag.
This network can be considered an external network. You might want it to reach your edge firewall and whatever other network resources your instances will be connecting to.
- name: "Deploy private VLAN network"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
name: "{{ vlan_network_name }}"
external: true
provider_segmentation_id: "{{ vlan_id }}"
provider_network_type: "vlan"
provider_physical_network: physnet1
shared: no
project: "{{ demo_project }}"
Module: os_network.
This network will not be accessible from outside the OpenStack cluster. To access it, you'll either need to connect from another instance on this network, or through a virtual router connected to both this and an external network.
- name: "Deploy private VXLAN overlay network"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
name: "{{ vxlan_network_name }}"
external: false
provider_network_type: "vxlan"
shared: no
project: "{{ demo_project }}"
Module: os_subnets_info
- name: "Get subnet details"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ subnet_name_or_id }}"
register: subnets
Module: os_subnet
In OpenStack, there isn't a one-to-one mapping between networks and subnets. You can technically have more than one subnet share a VLAN ID, for instance. That isn't the convention used most places though, so I suggest you keep to a one-to-one mapping anyways.
- name: "Create a subnet for a vlan network"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
network_name: "{{ vlan_network_name }}"
name: "{{ vlan_subnet_name }}"
cidr: "{{ vlan_cidr }}"
allocation_pool_start: "{{ vlan_allocation_pool_start }}"
allocation_pool_end: "{{ vlan_allocation_pool_end }}"
- destination:
nexthop: "{{ vlan_upstream_router_ip }}"
Module: os_router
# For the interfaces: section, you can just pass the subnet name instead of
# the dictionary shown below, and it will inherit that subnet's gateway. The
# approach shown here is more explicit and can also use other IPs as needed.
- name: "Create router from overlay to external network"
auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
name: "{{ router_name }}"
network: "{{ vlan_network_name }}"
- subnet: "{{ vlan_subnet_name }}"
- net: "{{ vxlan_network_name }}"
subnet: "{{ vxlan_subnet_name }}"
portip: "{{ router_ip }}"
Unlike the above examples that were done as an admin scoped user, the examples in this section will be executed from a non-admin user. The VMs & key-pairs created will be owned by the user who created them, so you don't want your administrator user to execute those tasks.
Modules used in this section:
Module: os_keypair
Most Linux cloud images disable password login, even at the console level. In order to get into the VM, you need to inject an SSH public key using cloud-init. OpenStack handles all that for you, but you have to upload your key so it knows what to inject.
# You won't be able to access many Linux images without an SSH keypair injected
# into the image's authorized keys file. OpenStack manages keypairs and does
# the injection automatically using cloud-init.
- name: "Define SSH keypair"
auth: "{{ demo_user_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
name: "{{ ssh_keypair_name }}"
public_key: "{{ ssh_public_key }}"
Module: os_server_info
# if server: is empty, data about all servers is returned
- name: "Get named server data"
auth: "{{openstack_auth}}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
server: "{{ server_name_or_id }}"
register: servers
Module: os_server
- name: "Create a server"
state: present
auth: "{{ demo_user_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
name: "{{ server_name }}"
image: "{{ demo_image_name }}"
key_name: "{{ ssh_keypair_name }}"
flavor: "{{ demo_flavor }}"
- net-name: "{{ vxlan_network_name }}"
A floating IP address is a static NAT rule from the external VLAN network to the address of the instance's port on the internal overlay network.
Module: os_floating_ip
- name: "Assign floating IP"
auth: "{{ demo_user_auth }}"
verify: "{{ is_https_cert_valid }}"
state: present
reuse: yes
server: "{{ server_name }}"
network: "{{ vlan_network_name }}"
The version of Ansible you're using is too old.
You didn't install openstacksdk
in the setup step.
The os_
tasks require an auth
property, which expects a dictionary
containing the properties shown in the openstack_auth
variable above. If any
are missing, it won't work.
You've probably got a self-signed certificate. For those, you need to use
verify: no
in the os_*